Monday, February 26, 2007

About Trusting the Lord

Trust in the Lord to carry you through.

I'm going to jump to Proverbs 3 for a while as I've been meditating on this verse for a while. Provers 3:5-6 should be a very familiar verse to many of you. This is one of the verses that I grew up with, having memorised it as early as Primary school.

However, as I read it once again and let it sink into me, I realise that trusting God does not come as naturally as I expected. Proverbs 3:5-6 says, "Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight."

Trust in the Lord, not with one part of your heart, but with all of it. Not only in things that have to do with ministry, but in every area of your life.

I'm going through a really stressful period of my life right now. It is not a stress that I like or I want and it is causing me much anxiety and pain (in the stomach). As I meditate on the words, "Trust in the Lord", I find that while my mind tells me to do so, my heart does not dare commit. As I reflect more, I discover the root of it - I seek the approval of man more than I seek the approval of God. I find myself unable to trust God because I fear the outcome of doing so. An outcome that might make me look bad or lousy before man. I find that the stress comes from wanting to meet up to the expectation of the world. And I fear that by letting God take control, I might lose my worth before man. I realise too that deep inside, I have a faulty view of God. I fear that God will not come to my rescue. I fear the I will be left to my own means.

Look at vs 5 and 6 again, this verses do not just talk about how to live right. They speak about a God who is so great and so mighty that we will never fully comprehend or understand His ways. They speak about a God who is mighty to save. A God who is so powerful that nothing is beyond Him. That is why we can trust Him and Him only. Do you find your ways or the ways of the world contradicting with the ways of God? Yet, the Bible tells us, "Don't doubt Him. Trust Him. Do not depend on your own reading of the situation, do not think that there is no hope, do not fear what is to come. Trust in the ways of God! God knew it would be difficult to do so because we are so prone to doing things our way. Yet, God's only condition is to acknowledge Him in everything, and He will make things right.

Lord, renew my mind so that I will know how to trust you and to acknowledge you in all I do!